
Cryptic Mantis - Sybilla pretiosa

The Cryptic mantis is an African species which looks like a smaller version of the Wandering Violin Mantis (Gongylus gongylodes).  Early instar nymphs are tan with a long thin prothorax and a projection on the top of their head.  At adulthood, they develop blueish-green wings which look like leaves growing from their branch-like body.  Diet should be flying insects appropriate for its size (fruit flies when young and eventually moving on to house flies and bottle flies as it grows) but may take the occasional waxworm, wax moth, mealworm, or roach at adulthood.  This species should be kept at daytime temperatures between 75 and 85 F and misted every other day to allow it to drink.  Enclosure width should be 2 times the mantis' length and height should be 3 times the mantis' length.  Cross ventilation is important and humidity should be moderate, ~60% RH.  Many keepers have had success keeping them communally although there is always some risk of cannibalism as they are predatory insects.  These are captive-bred for pet or educational purposes only - not to be released in the wild. 

Nymphs are sold unsexed unless otherwise specified.

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