
Ghost Mantis - Phyllocrania paradoxa

Mantis species originally from Africa that camouflages as a dead leaf.  Can come in various colors of dried leaves - red, brown, tan, green, gray, or black.  It seldom chases after its prey and typically waits for it to approach.  It feeds on flying insects appropriate for its size (fruit flies when young and eventually moving on to house flies and bottle flies as it grows).  It may also take the occasional waxworm, wax moth, mealworm, or roach.  Should be kept at temperatures between 65 and 85 F and misted daily to allow it to drink.  Enclosure width should be 2 times the mantis' length and height should be 3 times the mantis' length.  Cross ventilation is important and humidity should be moderate, ~60% RH.  Captive-bred for pet and educational purposes only - not to be released in the wild.

Many keepers have kept this species communally if enclosure is large enough and inhabitants are kept well-fed but being predatory insects, there is always some risk of cannibalism.

Nymphs are sold unsexed unless otherwise specified.

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